”He also said HIV is not a condemnation but just a sickness and people living with it must be equally respected and cherished”


Dear Diary,

I called Pastor Abraham today. We spoke at length and he prayed for me afterwards. He reaffirmed that it was God who made what happened happen and it was because He still has His mighty hand on me, regardless. But i need to repent.

My mind: You really have to

He also said HIV is not a condemnation but just a sickness, and people living with it must be equally respected and cherished. He mentioned that my friend, Evelyn plus her boyfriend would need more emotional and psychological support which I can partly give. The best support I can fully give them is prayer.

My mind: Huh??

Get the behind me Satan! I have repented.

He said praying for The Holy Spirit to work on their minds and hearts for them will bring them into sanity. He will move within them and bring them back into His purpose. They will also receive the Grace to live with it even as Christ shines through them in Glory.

Then I asked ‘’but why can’t Christ just take the virus away?’’

He smiled and patted my back and whispered

Go and read 2 Corinthians 12:7-9

He walked away



A Repented Nigerian Lady

(c) 2021 eunice Godbless

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